Monday, April 25, 2005

Of Forwarded Questionnaires and Procrastination

Bad me. Not been updating. Lots of things to say. *spanks herself* Will try to sit down and write it all up ASAP, but in the meantime, keep yourself entertained, dear loyal readers (waves at her immense audience of, oh - two, out there) with this questionnaire thingy I was forwarded:

1. Do you have an alias? What is it?
* Siryn.

2. What are your favorite ice cream flavors?
* Chocolate, Mango, Maple Walnut (and other nutty flavours).

3. What movie/s are you waiting for?
* The next movie based on a Roald Dahl book.

4. If you wanted to be in a band, what genre of music would your band play?
* Britpop.

5. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
* Congealed pig's blood. Gravlax (it's actually quite nice, but I felt funny eating it).

6. Do you want to live with your parents forever or move out?
* Move out.

7. Where is the place you want to be right now?
* With my bf.

8. What songs do you listen to feel happy?
* Jazz, chill, indie rock, britpop, bellydance music.

9. In The Lord of the Rings, who are your favorite characters?
* Eowyn, because she's not a wimp; and the Elves for their ethereality.

10. In Star Wars, who is your favorite character?
* My low level of interest in Star Wars doesn't move me to choose a favorite. Maybe Yoda.

11.What movies made you cry?
* The last one was "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind".

12. Name famous people that you have a crush on:
* Jude Law. Nicole Kidman. Angelina Jolie. Sort of. I'm too old to have a crush on people I can't get to know.

13. What are your favorite drinks?
* Water, lemonade, teh see, green tea, Tetley's, Kilkenny, a good merlot.

14. Which cartoon character is your favorite?
* Daria.

16. If you could freely kill just one celebrity, who would it be?
* I don't hate any celeb enough to want to kill them.

18. In a week, how many times do you go online?
* Daily.

19. If you could be someone else for a whole day, who would it be?
* Can't really think of anyone. Maybe Rachel Brice.

20. Single or married?
* Attached.

21. Describe yourself in one word?
* Dreamy.

22. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
* Look at the clock and panic.

23. What's the last thing you do before you go to bed?
* Talk with bf.

24. Something about you that you're proud of:
* Meticulous (in some matters).

25. Are you in love?
* Yes, very much so.

27. Are you happy?
* Mostly.

28. Why?
* Why mostly happy or why happy? If you want to know either way, ask me.

29. What is the most important material object you possess?
* Can't really say.

30. What are you listening to right now?
* The Hefner remix of Omar Faruk Tekbilek's Shashkin.

31. Complete this sentence: The world needs...
* An intelligent and enlightened race, to replace human beings.

32. What was the last thing you ate?
* Roast chicken and pork rice (See, Mo? I had pork).

33. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
* Purple.

34. What do you do during your breakfast time?
* Surf the net, check my mail, eat a bun.

39. Auto or Manual car?
* I don't drive (yet).

40. Favourite day of the week?
* Holidays, weekends and days when I go to class/perform.

41. Favourite place to be?
* With my bf.

42. Favourite sport?
* Swimming. Does dance count as a sport?

43. Siblings?
* One.

44. The best way I have to release anger:
* Stop thinking about what pissed me off and dance.

45. People I hate most:
* Are people who try to suppress me.

46. What is the best thing about being a gal/guy?
* For starters, I hate the word 'gal'. The best thing? I don't get dissed for wearing skirts.

47. What's the last thing you bought?
* Training Pants from Nike. Yes, I know they're a big bad corporation that has sweatshops in third world countries.

49. My best friends are:
* My bf, Allegra, Mo, FS. I must be a social outcast. Most of my best friends are people I met through the Internet.

51. SMS or call?
* SMS. I'm very bad at phoning people.

52. If you could turn back time, you would...
* Pay more attention to learning Mandarin and Cantonese.

Note: Some questions were deleted because they're a waste of space, or simply because I don't like them.

Stay tuned for the elusive update on Tioman and all the other exciting things that happen in my life. :P