Wednesday, February 01, 2006


It's my fifth day here now in snowy Sweden. Linköping is covered with snow, unlike the last winter I was here, and it's so pretty! Right now it's 8am and F has gone back to sleep... I wake at the crack of dawn every day, and can't go back to sleep, to his dismay, my mind is so active. Hehe.

I love going out for walks here. If you ask me to go for a walk in Kuala Lumpur or anywhere in Malaysia for that matter, I'll look at you as though you're mad. It's nice and cold here, and of course being a visitor there are a lot of things to see. Fat ducks keeping parts of the icy river open by diving into them, equally fat geese waddling about (and leaving steaming piles of poop), red-cheeked toddlers bundled up in colourful warm layers, smiling old folk walking their collies/alsatians/etc, kids making snowmen and sledding, people having semla and coffee at trendy cafes, the lovely vast snowy landscape. I keep taking pictures.

Now, I keep imagining having banana pancakes for brekkie. Will try and make some now. ;)