Dancing Again
My desk at work is awash with invitations: cocktail receptions, press conferences, signing ceremonies, fashion shows, art gallery launches, parties. These past 2 weeks have been completely packed with assignments, both day and night ones. I've come down with a mild flu, due to the strain, I think. This job keeps me busy without being too challenging though.
Tuesday night's dance rehearsal was great; we are preparing for the 3rd annual Malaysian hafla (bellydance party), which will be happening on 18th June. I still have to brush up on the Egyptian choreography we'll be performing (too many mis-steps and vital bits forgotten for comfort!), but I'm quite happy with the other item I'm involved in - I will be performing with zills (finger cymbals) for the first time ever! Quite excited about that. I've always been keen on learning zills, and am self-taught. Glad I finally get to use my newly acquired skills (though I still am a long way from being an expert). :)
S just asked me to stand in for her at a class on Sunday. Am surprised and quite nervous bout it, as I've only stood in for one class previously. Most of the students are beginners, and I know the choreography well, so I am hoping I will be able to teach the class well... but I know being a good performer doesn't necessarily mean one'd be a good teacher. I'll just try my best. Wish me luck!
Also found out we'll be getting more dance gigs. Hurrah! It's great being back in the scene! :D *so happy*
I'm currently reading On Beauty by Zadie Smith. Finding it warm and witty so far, and much to do with relationships and how people live their lives... like Nick Hornby's books, which I enjoy very much as well.
This article by Australian bellydancer Despina is a good reminder of why women should learn to love their own bodies, how bellydancing helps with that.