Without being tagged, here are my sevenses... Work's temporarily not hectic atm. :P
Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. Perform with a famous bellydancer
2. Attend the whole Glastonbury Festival at least once
3. Live in Europe
4. Expand my Mandarin and Cantonese vocab (terribly limited atm - I'm good at ordering food :P), learn more languages (Arabic, French, Swedish)
5. Travel more (Nepal, Bhutan, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Europe)
6. Get tattooed
7. Experience living in a goth community
Seven things I can do now:
1. Do tedious but fairly beautiful beading for costumes and bead jewellery
2. Bellydance (without looking like a total amateur)
3. Type the proper way, very quickly, without looking at the screen or keyboard
4. Build a website with handcoded HTML on Notepad
5. Make myself look almost Middle Eastern with makeup
6. Write painful poetry in the throes of angst
7. Do simple Feng Shui analyses
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Drive
2. Write a novel (I don't think I can sustain interest long enough)
3. Stay in noisy, frenzied, crowded places for long
4. Not get a chill down my spine when I look down from a great height
5. Stay away from the Net for more than a few hours, unless I'm with F
6. Be tidy
7. Watch local TV productions
Seven things that attract me to the same (or opposite) sex:
1. Genuine warmth
2. Intelligence - widely read, curious about everything
3. A good height - I admit, I like tall men
4. Strong hands and arms - Mmm
5. A warped sense of humour - so he'll get my own twisted mind
6. Inner strength - because I want someone to take care of me sometimes too
7. Creative and spontaneous - I like a good imagination
Seven things I say most often:
1. "Okay...."
2. "You should try taking up bellydancing..."
3. "I'm a writer for..."
4. "I know I'm weird...."
5. "No, I'm NOT going to use my credit card today, NOOO"
6. "Anything-lah"
7. "Hmm, what do you think?"
Seven celebrity crushes:
1. Jude Law
2. Colin Firth's Mr Darcy!
3. Alan Rickman, velvet voice
4. Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and Maggie Cheung in In the Mood for Love
5. Lovely Nicole Kidman
6. Angelina Jolie? Although I don't like her taste in men after Jonny Lee Miller
7. err... Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn?
Seven People I would like to do this:
... I don't think I have enough readers/friends who blog :P