Allegra (who is in Oz at the moment) and I were chatting earlier this afternoon, and there was a part of it I just had to share because it was so amusing.
She has a friend who apparently whines about anything and everything, and thinks everyone likes her. This friend (W) also is thinking about having a baby (because all her peers are producing babies left right and centre like there's no tomorrow) but doesn't like sex. This doesn't stop her from planning/fantasising what she's going to stop doing when/if she gets pregnant: stop going to the gym, stop travelling, stop being active, stop this and that, etc. This part of the convo happened after Allegra was told W's period was late:
allegra: i was gonna be rude and ask (when she told me W's period was late)
allegra: it was juz on the tip of my tongue to say : In 1st place, is she having sex wif her husband onot?
allegra: (evil thoughts looming) :P
siryn: lol, ah well :P
allegra: already i thought of more sarcastic things
allegra: make sure ur seated firmly before i tell u
siryn: i'm sitting :P
allegra: ok
allegra: imagine.. she's so lazy
allegra: ppl who wan try for baby will be at it like rabbits day and night
allegra: wherelse she's probably juz lying there, not wanting to do anything
siryn: yes ;-p
siryn: lie back and think of chow kit?
allegra: in 1st place, whether she's EVEN doing anything
allegra: say her hubby does all the work and she juz lies there
allegra: doubt he'll hv much to go on also
siryn: yeah... what a turn off :P
allegra: then even IF her hubby is as mighty as a stud (NOT)
allegra: her ovaries/eggs might be juz as lazy
allegra: they'd probably juz lie there going "wat??!?! wat u mean i have to go meet the sperm? let them come to me"
siryn: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *hooting with uncontrollable laughter*
allegra: and then after dat go "wat??!?! u mean after dat sperm has jabbed me, NOW i have to travel to the uterus???!!"
allegra: "but it's so far....... and i'm sooooooo tired..............."
siryn: "and I have to start multiplying too? what a lame gig"
allegra: "forget it man. maybe another day"
siryn: =))
allegra: :P
allegra: told u i hv evil thoughts looming
siryn: hehe, it's ok ;-p
allegra: mebbe i shld be the one having ur T instead
allegra: the one dats says "evil inside"
allegra: rotfl
siryn: hehee ;-p
allegra: now.... contrast it wif some other person's ovaries
allegra: probably they'll be going "Yeee--HAW... it's raining men! Hallelujah!!! COME ON BAYBEH!!!"
allegra: then going WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE, zooming down to the uterus
siryn: oh yeah bebeh let's have a merry multiplyin time!
siryn: wheeeeeeeee
allegra: then rapidly multiplying and thinking SO many things to do, so many of us to do it
allegra: rotfl
allegra: ok... over active imagination
siryn: dats wat i luv bout our convos ;)
allegra: hehehehe
Bitchy, I know, but sometimes we all need an outlet to release our stresses. :P